Smoking and Tobacco Cessation
Smoking and tobacco cessation programs incorporate a combination of both therapeutic and medical interventions. Medications are frequently prescribed in conjunction with therapeutic interventions to support individuals with smoking and tobacco cessation. Medications may be prescribed alone or in conjunction with therapy to support an individual with their goal.
We offer smoking and tobacco cessation services that are customized to the individual patient and their needs. You will meet with a caring and qualified Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Practitioner to address your smoking and tobacco cessation needs. Your smoking cessation plan may include medications and/or counseling.
Treatment Options
Clinical Mental Health Therapies
Clinical Mental Health Therapies
Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Intensive Outpatient Program
Intensive Outpatient Program
Intensive Outpatient Program - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Telehealth Services
Telehealth Services
Telehealth Services - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Integrative Welness Servicies
Integrative Welness Servicies
Integrative Welness Servicies - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Psychiatric Evaluations
Psychiatric Evaluations
Psychiatric Evaluations - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Clinical Mental Health Therapies
Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Intensive Outpatient Program
Intensive Outpatient Program - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Telehealth Services
Telehealth Services - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Integrative Welness Servicies
Integrative Welness Servicies - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
Psychiatric Evaluations
Psychiatric Evaluations - Some people with PTSD struggle to physically access treatment centers. These individuals can benefit from telehealth solutions, which expand access to talk therapy. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can take advantage of telehealth opportunities. Telehealth can be ideal for both long-term treatment and short-term concerns. Harmony Bay’s PTSD NJ telehealth services are provided by licensed clinicians who are equipped to assist with a variety of mental health issues, including common co-occurring disorders.
We use different types of medications to help individuals reach their smoking and tobacco cessation goals. Medications that may be recommended include:
- Nicotine Replacement Therapies: Come in forms such as gums, lozenges, transdermal patches, or inhalers. These can be purchased over the counter, but some insurances may cover this under their prescription plan with a prescription from the doctor.
- Smoking Cessation Aids: Prescription medications may aim to reduce the amount of physical and mental pleasure a person receives from smoking, lessen or alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, and/or reduce cravings.
Harmony Bay offers individualized treatment that brings you back to your inner spirit, a healthier mindset, and physical wellness. Along with smoking cessation, we also offer:
- Telehealth services
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Psychiatric evaluations
- Mental health therapy services for various conditions
Find out what sets Harmony Bay apart from other mental health facilities. Call Harmony Bay Wellness at 855.765.6399.
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