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Group Therapy

Group therapy is the process of meeting with a trained professional and at least two other clients in a safe and nurturing space. Group therapy can take place in a therapist’s office or in a group room and sessions can vary depending on the group material and topic.

What is Group Therapy

group of friends hugging
group of friends hugging

There are two distinct types of groups, open groups, and closed groups. Open groups are groups in which new members are welcome to join at any time. Closed groups are groups in which all members begin group at the same time and/or group members attend consistently. Some of the most common forms of group therapy include psychoeducation groups, skill-building groups, and process groups. Psychoeducation groups prioritize educating the group on a specific topic. Skill-building groups emphasize teaching and practicing effective skills. Lastly, process groups focus on allowing the group to process openly any present concerns, feelings, and/or struggles. Each of these group therapy groups provides many benefits.


  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
  •  Illness Management & Recovery (IMR)
  • Seeking Safety


  • Increased support and guidance from the group members
  • Practice assertive communication and vocalizing concerns in a safe place
  • Relate to and connect with others
  •  Increased accountability from the group members
  • Reduces feelings of isolation and alienation

Contact Us for More Information!


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