Family Issues Therapy
Families can find themselves struggling in their everyday interactions. When dealing with a serious crisis, they can often benefit from a family therapy program.
When one or more family members experience challenging or difficult times, it can affect the entire family unit. Family therapy can assist with communication difficulties, coping with recent changes, providing the space to process any difficulties, and ultimately increase connection among the family.
What is Family Issues Therapy
Family dynamics are constantly changing, and adding a serious crisis or health concern to the family can change that dynamic suddenly. Yet families are critical to supporting one another through difficult times. So why should you consider family therapy for your family? Some of the benefits include:
- Learning how to develop and maintain boundaries
- Reducing family conflict
- Improving empathy and understanding
- Learning how to deal with negative emotions
- Improving communication
- Building a closer-knit family connection
Harmony Bay Wellness believes in helping families learn better communication and coping skills, so they can support each other in times of crisis. Our family therapy program teaches families how to adjust their behavior and thinking to better support one another. With the help of family counseling from our skilled therapy team, your family can learn to communicate with love and respect, even when dealing with a family crisis.
Conflicts are a common occurrence in family life. Families evolve over time, and it can be challenging to adjust to the changes. Family conflict and dysfunction affect each family member differently and can be highly disruptive. When disagreements, arguing, and conflict become the norm, family therapy can help. Working through conflicts, listening to one another, and finding common ground can be therapeutic and can work to strengthen the family unit.
Signs of Family Issues
Frequent Arguing
Recurrent disagreements
Avoidance of family members and conversations
Physical conflict
Breakdowns in communication
Anger when trying to communicate
Types of Family Therapy
Structural Family Therapy (SFT)
Structural Family Therapy (SFT)
Structural Family Therapy focuses on power dynamics within the family unit including the ‘roles’ each family member plays within the family unit. SFT prioritizes empowering each family member, focus on the interactions between family members and grow stronger as a family unit.
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
Functional Family Therapy prioritizes increasing motivation, changing unhealthy behavior patterns, and generalizing changes to the home environment.
Strategic Family Therapy (SFT)
Strategic Family Therapy (SFT)
Strategic Family Therapy focuses on examining family relational problems and problem-solving ways to strengthen the family unit. SFT prioritizes family skill-building through effective communication.
Structural Family Therapy (SFT)
Structural Family Therapy focuses on power dynamics within the family unit including the ‘roles’ each family member plays within the family unit. SFT prioritizes empowering each family member, focus on the interactions between family members and grow stronger as a family unit.
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
Functional Family Therapy prioritizes increasing motivation, changing unhealthy behavior patterns, and generalizing changes to the home environment.
Strategic Family Therapy (SFT)
Strategic Family Therapy focuses on examining family relational problems and problem-solving ways to strengthen the family unit. SFT prioritizes family skill-building through effective communication.
What To Expect
When your family meets with our therapy team, you learn how to resolve conflict and support each other positively. This can transform your family from one where people feel misunderstood and frustrated to one where people feel loved and supported.
In a family therapy program, you will learn how to deal with the emotions that living in a family brings and how to be the right type of family member. You will gain skills to handle conflict well. You will also learn how to set boundaries when other family members are behaving inappropriately.
- Issues relating to sexuality
- Gambling addiction
- Drug and alcohol addiction
- Lack of family cohesion
- Major life transitions such as moving or parental divorce
- Children growing up or moving out
- Financial issues
- Aging parents
- Unemployment or financial problems
- Death of a loved one
- Family disagreements or arguments
- Health concerns of a family member
- Mental health difficulties of a family member
- Natural disasters
- Lack of trust or respect among family members
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