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Maintaining Mental Wellness While Stuck At Home

Brian Howard

In a year that has so far been defined by COVID-19 and its implications on global society, many individuals find themselves confined to their homes, wondering when pandemic related restrictions will be lifted.  While a few days around the house can be a relaxing change of pace from everyday life, spending weeks or even months confined to the house is an extreme transition for many.  With many businesses closed, travel restrictions in place, and bans on social gatherings, many Americans are now finding ways to fulfill their daily responsibilities without leaving the house.  This change, however, can be accompanied by stress, anxiety, and depression that can, at times, feel overwhelming.  So maintaining mental wellness from home amid this global pandemic can be a challenge. Fortunately, Harmony Bay Wellness has the resources to help.

Maintaining Mental Wellness

An important thing to keep in mind is that quarantine is not a competition.  Many people feel the need to pack their schedules with as many different activities as possible in an attempt to maintain a feeling of usefulness and productivity; however, this can cause additional stress and anxiety.  Do not feel obligated to maintain a full schedule during these difficult times. For example, consider the following:

  • Take time out of each day to focus on self-care and your physical and mental well-being 
  • Open a window
  • Play some music
  • Call an old friend

Above all else, make sure you’re doing the things you need to do to stay happy and healthy while you wait for things to resume a normal state of affairs. 

Maintain Health Work Patterns

For those who are working from home, especially for the first time, navigating the challenges of working from home and separating business and personal life can be difficult. The following are some tips to maintain healthy work patterns while sheltering in place at home: 

  • Create a private, dedicated space for working that is outside of your bedroom, if possible. Keeping workspaces and sleep spaces separate is important in promoting good sleep hygiene.
  • Keep a regular schedule and routine
  • Incorporate short breaks to recharge and refuel
  • Stay connected with co-workers through phone and video chat, not just email.
  • Set boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance. It may be tempting to work extra hours while at home, but maintaining boundaries will help you keep your physical health, mental well-being, and family a top priority.

Of course, there are some instances where stay-at-home methods of self-care simply do not suffice regarding maintaining mental health.  In these cases, the most positive course of action may be to speak with a therapist or a psychiatrist about what you are experiencing so they can provide professional assistance.  

Harmony Bay Wellness

Many providers, including Harmony Bay Wellness, offer their services through Telehealth. This means you have access to mental healthcare from the safety and convenience of your home. Thus, you have access to the resources you need to help in maintaining mental wellness. Online therapy is an accessible and easy way to get the treatment you need. To learn more about telehealth services offered at Harmony Bay Wellness, check out our Telehealth page. If you are interested in scheduling a telehealth appointment, please call us at [Direct].

Treatment with Harmony Bay

Harmony Bay is an outpatient behavioral health service that offers primary mental health treatment for a variety of mental health disorders. Our mission is to make mental health care convenient and affordable while providing an unmatched experience to our clients. contact us today by calling 855.765.6399.