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Healthy Habits to Try If You’re Struggling with Seasonal Depression 

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  Seasonal Depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is very different than just having the “winter time blues.”  It is normal to experience feeling a little more down during the colder months.  Seasonal Depression can be very debilitating and is a diagnosable Major Depressive Disorder with seasonal patterns.  It is usually triggered by the change…

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Signs That You and Your Partner Need Couples Counseling 

couple not in good terms

Couples counseling is a unique sphere that exists within the world of psychotherapy in order to help relationships, partnerships, marriages, co-parenting, and other pairings. As with most of the world of counseling- couples therapy creates a unique environment and holds many of the same stigmas other types of therapy hold. More often than not, people…

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The Secret to Fulfillment & Happiness  

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    As human beings, we crave a life of satisfaction, and for some, that’s enough. But what if you could reach a point in life where you feel fulfillment in every aspect and overwhelming happiness? A mindset where you don’t resort to negative thought patterns in times of stress. Creating a happy life for…

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How to Support Your Partner While They are Struggling with Mental Health 

couple walking on a dry grass land

    Mental health is a topic that affects a lot of people. Couples in a relationship are not sure of what to do when their partner is struggling with mental health and or showing mental health symptoms, particularly depression and anxiety. Partners in a relationship could have a negative or positive impact on each…

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Why Mental Health is so Important Today  

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  The pandemic changed everything. From the way we work, live, communicate, and handle mental health. According to a scientific brief from the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. This is due to a number of stress factors, including social isolation and…

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Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): What is it, Conditions it Treats, and Finding the Right Program for You 

Harmony Bay Intensive Outpatient program logo

  As many of us have heard before, managing our mental health is not a linear process. Sometimes we take 3 steps forward, and 2 steps back. Sometimes unexpected life circumstances come out of the blue and knock us back to what feels like “square one.” Sometimes we’ve been feeling good for years, and suddenly,…

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): What is it, Who is it Good for, and How Does it Work? 

two women talking to each other happily

  Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive-behavioral treatment that was initially designed to help people who were chronically suicidal, self-injuring and also for treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder.  Since it’s existence, it has also shown to be proven effective for treating other issues such as: substance use/abuse, victims of domestic violence and trauma, PTSD…

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