Sleep Insomnia Therapy
Sleep is a naturally recurring state of rest. Sleep is vital for mood, memory, cognitive functioning, and immune and muscular systems. One of the most common sleep disorders is called insomnia. Insomnia is characterized by dissatisfaction with the quality or quantity of sleep. About one-third of adults in the United States complain of insomnia symptoms. Sleep issues can affect many areas of a person’s life, including abilities to work, go to school, and socialize. This is why individuals experiencing sleep issues must find the necessary insomnia therapy.
- Difficulties falling asleep: Those in need of treatment for insomnia may find themselves lying in bed for hours, unable to sleep. This can lead to increased feelings of frustration, anxiety, and irritability.
- Difficulties staying asleep: Those with insomnia often express difficulties staying asleep. A common complaint is tossing and turning in bed in an attempt to get comfortable and stay asleep.
- Mid-night awakenings: Many with insomnia may complain of waking up in the middle of the night. This can be a one-time occurrence or waking up multiple times throughout the night.
- Early morning awakenings: Those struggling with insomnia may find themselves waking up early in the morning prior to their alarm going off.
Learn More
Insomnia can be treated with individual and group mental health therapy services. Individual therapy can assist in providing a safe place to process sleep concerns, identify patterns leading to sleep difficulties, and learn skills to assist with sleep.
Group therapy can also serve to provide education on sleep hygiene and skills to assist in sleep.
Medication regimens are another treatment option for insomnia. Sleep medications may be considered to assist with falling asleep, staying asleep, and feeling rested upon waking up.
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