Bipolar Disorder Therapy
Bipolar disorder is a spectrum of mental illness. Some people require intensive outpatient treatment programs in a bipolar disorder treatment center. Others will do fine doing intermittent therapy and working to regulate moods using medicines or other techniques. Attending a bipolar disorder treatment center for bipolar disorder will help you create stronger relationships and live a more satisfying life.
What is Bipolar Disorder
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder has been called this because of the cyclical nature of the illness. In this disorder, patients vacillate between high and low episodes that are characterized by periods of mania and periods of depression. The swings are severe enough to affect how a person lives from one side of the range to the other.
During elevated periods, bipolar people will have lots of energy, they may not sleep at all, and develop plans that seem irrational to others and carry them out. During low periods bipolar people can become depressed to the point that they may not be able to get out of bed or complete regular daily tasks.
Cycle lengths can vary from person to person but most commonly cycles last for about seven days in patients that have a more severe form of the disorder. There are four types of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder will appear to go through emotionally intense periods and periods that are devoid of emotion. Each stage comes with its own set of symptoms.
Types of Bipolar Disorder
This is the form of the disorder where people cycle for about seven days; their manic episodes often land them in an institutional care setting like a hospital or jail; depressive episodes can be just as bad on the other end of things
Symptoms of mania are:
Symptoms of mania are:
- Take Risks
- Insomnia
- Irritable
- Talk Fast
- On Cloud Nine
- Believe They Can Multitask
- Racing Mind
Symptoms of depression are:
Symptoms of depression are:
- Feeling Down
- Tired
- Unable to Enjoy Things
- Forgetful
- Dysregulated Eating
- Suicidal Ideation
What is bipolar disorder all about?
What is bipolar disorder all about?
Researchers once thought that it was similar to depression, but that is not the case at all. Bipolar disorder is more of a genetic illness because the symptoms are a result of altered signaling pathways in the brain. These signaling pathways control cell plasticity for the most part. Research up to this day still has not identified specific genes that are related to bipolar disorder, but these signaling pathways have been sussed out.
Symptoms of mania are:
- Take Risks
- Insomnia
- Irritable
- Talk Fast
- On Cloud Nine
- Believe They Can Multitask
- Racing Mind
Symptoms of depression are:
- Feeling Down
- Tired
- Unable to Enjoy Things
- Forgetful
- Dysregulated Eating
- Suicidal Ideation
What is bipolar disorder all about?
Researchers once thought that it was similar to depression, but that is not the case at all. Bipolar disorder is more of a genetic illness because the symptoms are a result of altered signaling pathways in the brain. These signaling pathways control cell plasticity for the most part. Research up to this day still has not identified specific genes that are related to bipolar disorder, but these signaling pathways have been sussed out.
What To Expect
Bipolar Disorder Therapy
New drugs developed for bipolar disorder are likely to have little improved effects over traditional medicines like Lithium. One good thing is that on medication and participating in bipolar disorder treatment programs; you can learn to live a healthy life with the disorder.
You may need to enter a Depression treatment center for bipolar disorder treatment program while working out which medicines at what concentration work best for you. This will also give you a chance to learn new coping skills and ways to identify changes in mood. Overall your treatment is about you, helping you to feel comfortable, and live your life to the fullest.
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